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Vintage 8000 Estates
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From the early 19thC, about 1829, family of Uzunashvili have been regarded as highly skilled winemakers at the House of Alexander Chavchavadze  – a prominent Georgian public figure, a poet, an innovator and a leader, famous for his aspiration to everything European and bringing contemporary Europe immediately into the Georgian social and cultural life.

Alexander was also known as a great entrepreneur and a passionate lover of wine.

After a tragedy struck Alexander’s family, he gave up his estate to the Russian Imperial court.

Since then Chavchavadze estate became a Russian Royal Estate, where he was modestly asked to continue his activities.

Uzunashvili family remained forever loyal to their master and looked after His vineyards and made wines, which had always been outstanding in the Country as well as in the World around.

The last fame to this Estate and to Uzunashvili family came right in the beginning of the 20thC, when Nicolas the II, the last Russian Emperor, awarded Uzunashvili family with the Diploma for ‘Noble and Outstanding Winemaking’ and granted the Big Imperial Medallion.

Another sudden change — notorious Russian Revolution, 1917. Soon after Soviet Russia annexed Georgia and the family of Uzunashvili was deprived all the awards of Royal origin. Further, the Estate was broken up into Soviet type collective farms and the family of Uzunashvili lost their duties and functions.

Instead, they continued on a very small scale retaining century old tradition of Georgian winemaking with their own tilt as well as teaching their sons and daughters how to cherish vine, make wine and, finally, how to truly enjoy it.

Soviet era was over after 74 long years and Georgia acquired independence.

Lado, one of the off-springs, who made wine even during Soviet era, left the Country immediately after the break-up of the Soviet power to experience the World’s achievements, acquire more knowledge, skills and experience and to then come back to his roots and to revive this century old tradition.

Lado  is  Georgian  bred,  but  internationally  recognized  winemaker  experienced  in  Australia,  for  most  of  practical  sides  and  now  it is his  second  home-country;  France; Morocco Italy, Ukraine, and even Japan.

After living in Australia for the past 21 years and understanding the local traditions, he has established VINTAGE 8 000 ESTATES and is bringing the Wine Origins, its history and the oldest – 8 000 years – way of winemaking to the Australian wine lovers.

He will use Traditional 8 000 Y, what is known, way of vinification in authentic clay pots – QVEVRI, unique to the Country Cradle of Wine – Georgia.

He will create a unique cultural, recreational and touristic destination for the sophisticated Australian wine society and those who would love to experience something truly outlandish.